The accommodation provided to people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine by my Department is temporary in its nature and it is not possible to develop tailored solutions for individuals or families. In seeking to address immediate accommodation needs, safety and security are the paramount considerations.
The Ukraine Crisis Temporary Accommodation Team (UCTAT) is not in a position to guarantee accommodation for people with specific medical needs, although through the first initial HSE assessment in Citywest, staff will do their best to meet the accommodation needs of each case presented.
Where medical issues are raised after a person receives accommodation, my officials work with the HSE on the basis of an agreed protocol which sets out the criteria for medical moves. All requests to be relocated on medical grounds must be supported by evidence from HSE clinical personnel that indicates that this request is essential and necessary for the requester’s health status. Such requests should be sent to my Department at
Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BOTPs) are entitled to make their own accommodation arrangements including potentially availing of pledged accommodation if they wish, subject to availability, and can avail of some supports to do so. Those wishing to avail of pledged accommodation in any given area should contact the Local Authority in that area or the Irish Red Cross pledge process. The Irish Red Cross can be contacted by email at or by phoning 1800 50 70 70. Details regarding the Offer a Home scheme can be found under
BOTPs may also explore private rented accommodation either through their own means or with the assistance of Rent Supplement, if eligible. Rent Supplement is a means-tested payment administered by the Department of Social Protection to help meet the cost of private rented accommodation. Their local Department of Social Protection office may be able to provide further information relating to Rent Supplement. Contact details for the local offices can be found on (Intreo centres and local branch offices).