We provide information and research services to Members of the Oireachtas. Our mission is to contribute to a well-informed Parliament.
The parliamentary library delivers information services and manages a collection of contemporary and historical material to meet the needs of our users. The parliamentary research service delivers impartial research briefings to support the work of the Houses, committees and individual Members.
Bills Digest | Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2024
The purpose of this Bill is to create an agriculture appeals review panel independent from the Agriculture Appeals Office, AAO, that would be responsible for undertaking independent reviews of decisions of appeals officers in the AAO. The Bill also clarifies timeframes for seeking reviews of an appeal decision by the AAO.
L&RS Spotlight | Data centres and energy
This Spotlight explores the scale of data centres in Ireland, which comprise a sector that has grown rapidly in recent years and which have caused some concern about stress placed on electricity supply, grid infrastructure and Ireland's climate action ambitions. Of particular note, the analysis reports new data on electricity consumption and forecasts for future demand.
Research and analysis
Documents Laid
We manage the collection of documents formally laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas. Government Departments and agencies can lay documents before the Houses of the Oireachtas via our online Documents Laid application.
Our collections range from the 16th century right up to the present day. Search our online catalogue to access our Documents Laid collection and our historical collection.
Constituency data
Our interactive constituency dashboards provide an overview of demographics, economic status, transport and education.
A refreshed constituency dashboard based on the 2022 Census and redrawn constituencies is now available.
Historical documents
Explore our important collection of historical documents dating from the 16th century by browsing our digital exhibitions or searching our online catalogue.
Treasures of the Oireachtas Library
Browse our galleries of images, video and text to learn more about our Special Collections and search our library catalogue to see what you can find!
For Researchers
Would you like to know how you can use our collections and services for your research project? Are you interested in bursaries and fellowships? Find out more in our dedicated page for researchers.
Bibliography of Parliament
Our Bibliography of Parliament in Ireland lists works relevant to parliament in Ireland since the foundation of Dáil Éireann in 1919.

History of the Library & Research Service
Watch this short animated film telling the story of the Oireachtas Library & Research Service from 1922 to the present day.
Contact the Library & Research Service
Library & Research Service
Leinster House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2
D02 XR20
Central Enquiry Desk