The Library & Research Service Bibliography of Parliament in Ireland lists works relevant to parliament in Ireland since the foundation of Dáil Éireann in 1919. It aims to include all the major relevant works of political science and history published since 1919 as well as much of the most recent scholarship concerning this period.
If you are researching and writing about parliament in Ireland, you can use the bibliography to generate references to sources such as books, journal articles, web pages and conference papers. You can quickly create citations or a bibliography, in the style of your choice, for your research paper.
Search the bibliography online
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How to search the bibliography
- Basic search
Search by title, year or keyword
Use the search bar to the right hand side of the screen to search by title, year or keyword. This will return all citations that match the search criteria. Full-text searches will not be effective for documents that are scanned images.
Search by theme
Select a button or tag from the bottom left of the screen. The button will change colour to indicate that it has been selected and will remain selected until you unselect it by clicking it again. Each button represents one of the 15 themes included in the bibliography.
- Advanced search
You can search for multiple themes or tags at the same time. For example, clicking the Biographies button will return a list of biographies and autobiographies of TDs and Senators from 1919 to the present day. Clicking Biographies and Women will combine both searches and return a list of biographies and autobiographies of female TDs and Senators.
- Results
Search results are displayed in the centre of the screen. To the left of each citation is a symbol indicating the type of document, such as book, journal article, conference paper, or newsreel. The title, author, date and time the citation was last amended are also shown in the search results.
Clicking a citation in the search results will take you to the full citation record. This includes additional bibliographic information and, where possible, an abstract and details on how and where to access the source.
The Library & Research Service provides a reference service to members of the public to support their research on the Houses of the Oireachtas. Our collections are accessible to bona fide researchers only on a reference basis by arrangement with the library and archive manager.

Dr. Diarmuid Scully, University of Limerick
About the bibliography project
The Houses of the Oireachtas Library & Research Service (L&RS) commissioned the bibliography as part of Dáil100, the Houses of the Oireachtas programme to commemorate the centenary of the First Dáil. It was compiled in partnership with Dr Diarmuid Scully at the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Limerick, who was supported by the Department of History, the Department of Law and the Glucksmann Library at the University of Limerick.

More details about the bibliography project
- How was the bibliography compiled?
A comprehensive search has been carried out of more than 460 online databases including the National Library of Ireland, US Library of Congress, British Library, National Archives of Ireland, Parliamentary Library and the archives of all seven Irish universities.
- How often is the bibliography updated?
The bibliography will be updated in March and September 2019, and annually thereafter.
- What themes are covered?
Fifteen themes were selected to reflect the establishment of Parliament, its membership and its evolution over the years. Each theme is represented by a tag.
- Establishment of Parliament - Establishment
- The administration of the Oireachtas - Administration
- The role of the Oireachtas - Role
- Parliamentary Business - Business
- Parliamentary Reform - Reform
- Members of the Oireachtas biographies/autobiographies - Biographies
- Works authored by members - Works by Members
- Women in the Oireachtas - Women
- History and development of political parties - Parties
- Women’s Suffrage Campaign - Suffrage
- Development of Leinster House and related parliament buildings since 1922 - Buildings
- General and Seanad Elections - Elections
- General Reference Works - Reference
- Audio content - Audio clip
- Video and film clips - Video/Film clip
- What were the selection criteria?
The criteria for inclusion in the bibliography were as follows:
- Relevance: relevant to one or more of the 15 themes
- Quality: peer reviewed journal articles, books from reputable academic publishers and general works from established scholars and commentators
- Historical value: items of historical value such as the Anglo-Irish Treaty, the Constitution of Ireland and the foundation documents of the major political parties
- General interest: items of general interest including works by Members of the Oireachtas, journalists and others
- Accessibility: items that are either accessible online or whose listings contain details on how they may be accessed
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