I ask the leave of the Dáil to introduce the Police Forces Amalgamation Bill, 1924. This Bill has for its object the amalgamation of the Gárda Síochána and the Dublin Metropolitan Police. Last June, when the Dublin Police Bill was before the Dáil, I was pressed to justify the continuance of two separate police forces in the State, and I explained that the tendency of that Bill which was then under discussion was towards an amalgamation. Personally, I favoured that course, and I hoped that circumstances would permit of the early introduction of such a Bill. The Bill which I am asking leave to introduce now proposes an amalgamation of the two forces on equal terms. All members of each force on the date of amalgamation will become members of the amalgamated force with corresponding rank. The rates of pay and allowances of members of both forces, and their present pension rights, will not be affected by the Bill. Existing members of the D.M.P. will not be liable for service outside the Dublin Metropolitan area without their own consent.
The Bill provides for the gradual reduction of the police rate which is now levied in the Dublin area and for its final disappearance. The rate for the year 1925-26 will be 8d. in the £; for the following financial year it will be 7d., and it shall decrease until, in the year 1932-33, the rate will be 1d. in the £; and thereafter it will cease to be levied. I should like to make it clear that the Bill is not introduced as an economy measure, although certain minor economies may be effected. The object which is aimed at is an improvement of police efficiency by means of unified control, and responsibility and closer co-operation than is possible under the existing organisation. I ask the leave of the Dáil to introduce the Bill.