asked the Minister for Finance whether it is proposed to initiate employment schemes in Dublin City with a view to providing employment for those disemployed as a result of recent dismissals by Fuel Importers, Limited.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Employment Schemes.
It has never been the practice in Dublin to provide employment schemes for a particular group of workmen disemployed at a particular time. Ordinarily, unemployed men are not eligible for work on such schemes until they have exhausted their unemployment insurance benefit and become entitled to unemployment assistance.
The usual arrangements have been made for employment schemes in Dublin County Borough during the present winter.
Is the Minister aware that the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance to whom this question was addressed has been reported as stating that unemployment schemes were being provided for all persons who have lost their employment as a result of the cessation of the turf scheme?
Is the Minister aware that a good deal of unemployment——
On a point of order. Surely I should have the opportunity of hearing the Minister's reply to my question first.
Oh, no. You might have seven or eight supplementary questions before the Minister would reply to the first one.
Is the Minister aware that there is a good deal of unemployment in County Dublin, and that the Government has failed to deal with that position?
That is not a supplementary; that is a separate question.
May I put this supplementary question to the Minister? Does the Minister's reply indicate that no matter how grievous this problem of unemployment is nothing will be done until all the stamps are exhausted?
In reply to Deputy Cowan, my reply indicates no such thing. The facts of the matter are that every effort will be made to find employment for those who have been disemployed but we must take into account that other men have been thrown out of employment and are disemployed at the moment apart from those disemployed turf workers and that they have been disemployed for a long time. The full winter programme will be put into operation at once and I hope that will give employment to all the men that are out of work.
Is it not a fact that these men are disemployed through the action of the Government which Deputy Lehane supports, and will the Government therefore not make provision for those men who have been unemployed from that cause?
The Government will make every provision for these men who have become disemployed as a result of the last Government's action.
Is not Deputy Lehane passing on to the Government a responsibility which is his or his Party's?
Can the Minister say what unemployment schemes have been cut down——
No. 32.