asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will state when he expects to issue the White Paper on the proposed comprehensive social security scheme.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Social Security Scheme.
Considerable progress has been made in the preparation of a new scheme of social insurance and at present a draft White Paper is being prepared. When completed, it will be submitted to the Government for authority for its publication. There will be no unwarrantable delay in the issue of the White Paper.
Is the Minister in a position to give even an approximate date as to when publication may be expected? I ask that in view of the fact that a large number of workers and employers who are parties to a superannuation scheme, as well as workers who are due to retire because of reasons of age, are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the White Paper so that they may be in a position to make decisions on it.
I appreciate the Deputy's desire to have the paper made available at the earliest date. In that respect, we are on common ground. I have had discussions with the principal officers of my Department on the matter and decisions on vital aspects of the scheme have been taken. Decisions have yet to be taken on certain information available on other aspects of the White Paper. When these discussions have been completed the other Departments likely to be concerned in the services provided for in the White Paper must be consulted. I am not in a position to say how long that consultation will take. I would hope that it would not take an unduly long period. When these Departments have been consulted, the matter will be submitted to the Government for authority to publish the White Paper. I can assure the Deputy and the House generally that so far as I am concerned, I am most anxious that the White Paper should be made available for public discussion at the earliest possible date.
In this case, did not the Minister give a definite undertaking that the White Paper would be published before Christmas and will he state the reason for the delay?
Because, unlike the Deputy, I do not like acting the role of a bear in a china shop.
You are as quiet as a mouse.
I prefer, therefore, that all the material should be fully examined so that we can get the best possible scheme of social insurance. In the meantime, the Deputy will not have overlooked the fact that last year we made available £2,500,000 for additional old age, blind and widows' and orphans' pensions.
You did nothing of the sort.
And the Deputy will not forget that we did that last year, although his own Government had refused to make available £500,000 for a modified means test the year before.
Did or did not the Minister undertake to produce this paper before Christmas?
I never undertook to produce the paper before Christmas. I endeavoured to have the paper produced with the utmost expedition, and if it has not been produced before now, it was not for want of effort on my part. The Deputy will realise that he had 16 years in which to produce such a paper.
That type of reply has gone bad by now.
Sixteen weary years.
Is there any Minister doing any work?