Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 28 Jun 1988

Vol. 382 No. 9

Written Answers. - EC Public Procurement Proposals.


asked the Minister for Finance the measures which have been taken to prepare for the opening up of public procurement markets in the energy, water transport and telecommunications sectors in order to identify the areas where Irish economy stands to gain and to lose from the European Commission proposal covering public procurement in these previously excluded sectors; and if he will give details of the Government's policy on other on-going Commission proposals regarding public procurement.

The Commission proposals in the energy, water, transport and telecommunications sectors that is the so-called "excluded sectors", are likely, it is expected, shortly to be transmitted by the Commission to Council.

Draft versions of the Commission's proposals, on which there has been an initial exchange of views between the Commission's services and the member states, are at present being considered in the Departments and bodies concerned, with a view to an assessment of the overall policy implications from this country's point of view.

The other ongoing Commission proposals in the public procurement field are (1) the draft Directive on Public Works Contracts and (ii) the draft "Compliance" Directive, which is designed to establish an effective system of administrative or legal redress for aggrieved contractors and provides for direct intervention by the Commission.

In regard to (i), this proposal is at present being considered at Council Working Party level. A small number of issues arising in the draft Directive were submitted last week to the Internal Market Council but were referred back to Coreper. In regard to (ii), the opinion of the European Parliament has been delivered on the draft Directive and is at present being considered by the Commission.

As I indicated in my reply of 18 May last to a question by the Deputy, Ireland shares the underlying objectives of the Commission's proposals which, apart from the draft Works Directive, have not yet been considered at Council level. In so far as public works contracts are concerned, the construction industry is regarded as being well placed to take advantage of any opening up of the market. In regard to the other proposals, policy will be aimed at maximising the gains for Irish industry while ensuring that our particular circumstances and needs are taken into account to the maximum extent possible.
