Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 30 May 1991

Vol. 409 No. 3

Adjournment Debate Matters.

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given to me under Standing Order 20 (3) (a) and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Alan Dukes — the need to treat Scoil Mhuire, Ballymany, Newbridge, County Kildare, as a school serving an area of disadvantage; (2) Deputy Pat Lee — the recent decision by the Minister for Justice to remove 100 uniformed gardaí from their temporary plain clothes posting which has effectively resulted in the abolition of all plain clothes Garda crime prevention units in resulted in the abolition of all plain clothes Garda crime prevention units in the Dublin Metropolitan area; (3) Deputy Bill Cotter — the decision of the Minister for Finance to site a regional Ordnance Survey office in Longford contrary to the preference of union members that an office be sited in Carrickmacross and the fact that County Monaghan has been excluded from the Government's decentralisation plans; (4) Deputy Tony Gregory — the current upsurge in heroin distribution in Dublin's inner city and certain suburbs including the Ballyfermot shopping area and the fears that this will lead to a return of the epidemic of the early eighties; (5) Deputy Michael Creed — the non-availability of grant-aid for deer farming in a large section of the constituency of Cork North-West; (6) Deputy Andrew Boylan — the extreme annoyance of farmers in Cavan-Monaghan at the continued delay in announcing the extension to the severely handicapped areas and in view of the fact that the closing date for payment is 12 June 1991, if the Minister for Agriculture and Food will outline the way in which payment can be made in the newly extended areas; (7) Deputy Eric Byrne — the financial difficulties being caused for the voluntary home help and meals on wheels services in the Dublin area, because of the late payment of cheques from the Eastern Health Board; (8) Deputy Pat McCartan — the failure of the Minister for Justice to appoint new members to the Legal Aid Board and the consequent inability of the board to carry out their functions; (9) Deputy Jim Higgins — the need to allocate funds for the restoration of 33 Synge Street, Dublin 2, the birthplace of George Bernard Shaw; (10) Deputy Roger Garland — the continuing failure of the Government to ratify the European Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Prisoners.

I have selected for discussion the matters raised by the following Deputies: (1) Deputy Andrew Boylan, (2) Deputy Pat McCartan, (3) Deputy Alan Dukes.
