I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given to me under standing order 20 (3) (a) and the name of the Member in each case:
(1) Deputy J. O'Keeffe—the position of a person in receipt of social welfare who cares for an elderly relative at home without any recognition or payment and the need for the carer's allowance system to cover that situation; (2) Deputy John Browne (Carlow-Kilkenny)—the ongoing delay in giving the go-ahead to Muine Bheag sewerage scheme, County Carlow; (3) Deputy J. Higgins—the need for the Minister for Education to amend the higher education grants scheme 1992 to allow for recognition of interest incurred through capital costs such as pollution control, farm buildings etc; (4) Deputy Garland—the failure by the Minister for Education to allow proper input from parents and members of the public in the ongoing debate on the Green Paper in that public meetings are being limited to ticket holders; (5) Deputy Flaherty—the tragic death of a young boy at the weekend and the need for extra gardaí in the Finglas area and for legislation to give the gardaí extra power to deal with loitering and open air drinking; (6) Deputy Allen—if the Minister for Justice will ensure that the Mallow Road Garda station in Cork is not downgraded and if he will ensure that Garda currently serving there will continue to operate from that station and will not be asked to report to Watercourse Road Garda station for duty; and if he will increase Garda numbers in Cork City.
The Cheann Comhairle has selected for discussion the matters raised by the following Deputies:— (1) Deputy Flaherty; (2) Deputy Garland, (3) Deputy John Browne (Carlow-Kilkenny).