With regard to the Committee Stage of this Bill, I propose, subject to their being no substantial objection, to fix the Committee Stage for Wednesday next and to proceed with it on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, if necessary. The reason I suggest to the House to do this is the following. There are, up to the present, over 100 amendments tabled to this Local Government Bill. They are still coming in, and it would be extremely awkward for the House to go into Committee on this Bill this week and to have two separate papers before them. It makes it difficult unless the House has a chronological list. We shall have sufficient business to occupy us to-morrow in connection with the Committee Stage of the Live Stock Bill and the Dublin Port and Docks Bill. I propose to take the Committee Stage of those two Bills to-morrow if they get through the Second Reading to-day. The House will understand that on Wednesday next we will embark on the Committee Stage of this Bill and continue at it Wednesday and Thursday, and if necessary, on Friday. I may mention, in addition to the two Bills I mention, that there is an important motion outstanding in the name of Senator Sir John Keane in reference to currency, and he has listed that for discussion to-morrow.