Before we proceed with the next business, it would be well to decide on the procedure which we shall adopt with regard to the other Bills and whether we shall sit on Friday. I think it would be wise to decide the matter before we proceed with the other Bills. I think Tuesday would be a very suitable day to meet on, as a good many Senators want to go home this evening. We could sit on Tuesday and get on with the other two Bills which have to come before the Seanad.
Business of Seanad.
That is a matter for the Seanad.
I suggest that we would be in a much better position some time later in the evening to know where we are before making any arrangements.
We will have to sit either on Friday or on Tuesday next, as we cannot consider this evening the other Bills which have to come from the Dáil.
Does the Senator yet know that they are coming from the Dáil?
We have had an intimation that they were.
From whom?
The Senator need not incriminate himself.
Perhaps it would be as well to act upon the suggestion of Senator Foran, and leave the further consideration of this matter over until later in the evening.
I think so.