Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Stardust Disaster.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 4 April 2007

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Ceisteanna (121)

Ivor Callely


117 Mr. Callely asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he has met with the families bereaved by the Stardust disaster; if he will meet with their committee; if he has been fully briefed by his Department on all matters relating; if he will make the brief he has received available to this Deputy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13294/07]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I can inform the Deputy that there has been extensive contact with the Stardust Victims Committee in recent years, leading to their lodging a comprehensive submission last July in which they set out their concerns regarding the original inquiry. This was followed up by a meeting on 18 September last at which the Taoiseach and I, together with senior officials and the Director of the Forensic Science Laboratory, met with representatives of the Victims Committee. The purpose of the meeting was to hear from the Committee in person on their detailed submission so as to properly inform the analysis of its contents. The meeting concluded with an indication by the Committee that it would follow up with some final observations, which could be added to the material already under examination.

The extent of the detail and the complexity of the issues, however, were such that the examination of the technical and legal questions arising required more time than was originally anticipated. This examination concluded in December and a considered written response issued to the Committee's solicitor on the 15th of that month. This correspondence informed the Committee that their submissions has received very careful attention but that the analysis and advice available to the Taoiseach and the Tánaiste remained that new material had not been presented which would justify the holding of another inquiry or which would have led to a different conclusion had it been available at the time of the original inquiry.

Notwithstanding this position, and taking into account the evident and sincere concerns of the families in question, the Committee's solicitor was also informed that the Taoiseach would be willing to arrange for an external and independent examination of the Committee's submission by an eminent legal person. The precise arrangements and mechanisms of this examination are currently the subject of discussions with the Committee's solicitor. All of the relevant information will be put before the person in question for consideration and a full opportunity will be provided to the Victim's Committee to present and explain the points made in their submission.

Rather than continue to debate the details of that submission, or the advice received by me with respect to its merits, I believe it is now preferable to allow these issues be explored in the forthcoming independent examination.
