Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Overseas Visits

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 17 December 2013

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Ceisteanna (111)

Terence Flanagan


111. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Taoiseach if he will report on his visit to Japan and the itinerary; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53694/13]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I visited Japan from 1-5 December on foot of an invitation extended to me by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during his visit to Dublin in June this year. The key objective of my visit was to further increase Ireland’s trade, economic, and political relationship with Japan. My programme included a visit to Tokyo and Osaka and a brief visit to Nagoya.

I was accompanied for part of the visit by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D.

While in Tokyo, I had a meeting with Prime Minister Abe. We agreed on a new Partnership for Growth and Innovation which will provide a framework for the development of relations between Ireland and Japan over the next four years.

During my visit, the re-opening of the Japanese beef market to Irish exports was announced by the Prime Minister, following extensive engagement between the Irish and Japanese administrations.

During my visit to Tokyo I also had the great honour of meeting with Crown Prince Naruhito and with the Japan Ireland Parliamentary Friendship League.

A sizeable trade delegation travelled to Japan for the visit, representing business interests in both Ireland and Japan. This included representatives from the ICT, Financial Services and Agri Food sectors.

I attended a number of sectoral events aimed at promoting stronger trade and business links between Ireland and Japan, covering Agri Food, Financial Services, Green Energy, and Research and Development. I also met with a number of IDA and Enterprise Ireland client companies and their partners.

I delivered a keynote address on Ireland-Japan relations at the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA).

While in Tokyo, I had an opportunity for a brief informal meeting with US Vice President Joe Biden, who was in Japan as part of a wider visit to the region.

Following two days in Tokyo, I travelled on to Nagoya and Osaka for further meetings with Irish and Japanese business leaders to promote trade, investment and business-to-business links. I also met with the Governor of Osaka Prefecture, Mr. Ichiro Matsui.
