My Department supports and encourages the use of school buildings for community and recreational where feasible.
As the Deputy may be aware, the 'Procedures on the use of school property and school sports facilities outside of school hours' were published in June this year. The Procedures replaced the ‘Guidelines on the use of School Buildings outside of School Hours’ which had been in use prior to this.
The Procedures highlight the value and importance of school buildings and school sports facilities being used outside of school hours.
By way of information, part of the work prior to the publication of the Procedures included a sample survey. This sample survey was issued to a number of patron bodies of primary and post-primary schools for distribution. The survey invited the schools involved to share their views on topics including: whether and how their school facilities are currently used by organisations other than the school and future plans for the use of school buildings. The responses to the survey were returned and analysed and assisted in the process of producing the Procedures.
With respect to the use of school buildings by external groups and organisations, and the making of schools available for community and recreational use, any decision on the use of school buildings and property is a matter for the property owner, taking into consideration the requirements of the school, students and staff. Also it is important that any proposed arrangement does not impede upon the future development of the school, given that the priority for schools is educational provision for its pupils.