The Deputy should note that my Department and I share concerns that the Disabled Drivers and Disabled Passengers Scheme or DDS is no longer fit-for-purpose and believe it should be replaced with a needs-based, grant-led approach for necessary vehicle adaptations that could serve to improve the functional mobility of the individual.
However, this is very much a matter for Government as whilst my Department has oversight of the DDS, I do not have responsibility for disability policy.
As the Deputy is aware the National Disability & Inclusion Strategy or NDIS Transport Working Group recommended that the DDS be replaced with a modern, fit-for-purpose vehicular adaptation scheme. This is in line with the general view that we need to move away from a medical criteria-based approach to a needs-based approach.
Under the aegis of the Department of the Taoiseach, the sub-group convened to progress NDIS proposals for needs-based, grant-aided, modern vehicle adaptation supports to replace the DDS, have generated a report that is currently being finalised.