Chruthaíomar gluais úr de théarmaí parlaiminte faoi choinne Theanga Chomharthaíochta na hÉireann i gcomhar le mic léinn ateangaireachta Bhodhra ó Lárionad Léann na mBodhar, Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath, agus le daoine eile.
Leathanach 1 de 2

Definition: Additional information or details attached at the end of a document or report. Think of it as extra information that might be useful but isn't part of the main content.

Attorney General
Definition: Is the legal adviser to the Government and is therefore the chief law officer of the State.

Back Benches
Definition: The seats where TDs or Senators sit if they are not Ministers or spokespersons for their party.

Definition: The process where the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union, affecting how they trade, cooperate, and make laws with other European countries.

Definition: Group of senior Ministers chosen by the Taoiseach which is collectively responsible for government policy and oversees and co-ordinates the work of the various government departments.

Capital Funding
Definition: Capital spending generally involves the creation of an asset where benefits accrue to the public over time e.g., a road, a rail line, a school, or a hospital.

Chief Whip
Definition: The Government Chief Whip provides support to the Taoiseach in relation to Dáil business and ensures the attendance of all Government Deputies and Ministers for votes in the House.

Definition: A person who is legally recognised as a member of a country. Citizens have certain rights and responsibilities within that country.

Definition: When two or more political parties come together to work as a team in government. They cooperate to achieve common goals even though they might have different ideas.

Commencement Matters
Definition: A matter for discussion which a Senator raises in the Seanad and to which a Minister will respond, time is allocated at the commencement of a Seanad sitting.

Definition: Groups of TDs and Senators which deal with specific areas of Oireachtas business including receiving submissions from interest groups, discussing legislative proposals and Committee Stage of Bills.

Definition: Smaller regions within a country that elect representatives. Members of the Dáil (TDs) are elected to represent their constituencies and speak for the people in them in the Dáil.

Council of State
Definition: A group which advises the President, and which comprise past Taoisigh (Irish Prime Ministers), Presidents, Chief Justices, the Ceann Comhairle, the Cathaoirleach of Seanad Eireann, the Attorney General and people appointed by the President.

Definition: A person elected to represent a local area, such as a town or city, in a local government council.

Cross Border
Definition: Involves connections or activities that cross the boundaries between different regions or countries. For example, cross-border trade involves buying and selling goods between two different places.

Customs Union
Definition: An agreement between countries where they agree to trade goods without charging each other customs duties (taxes) while also following similar trade rules.

Definition: A group of people who are authorised to act on behalf of a larger group. In the context of Parliamentary work, a delegation might be sent to a foreign country to represent the interests of Parliament.

Definition: A system of government where people have the power to make decisions by voting. It's about the citizens having a say in how the country is run.

Definition: An important or respected person, often associated with high-ranking officials or diplomats.

Definition: A rule or instruction issued by a higher authority, like a government or the European Union, to guide the actions of individuals or organisations.

Definition: The point in parliamentary proceedings where a question or amendment is put to a formal vote by Members.

Definition: Two-way process involving interaction and listening with the goal of generating mutual benefit.

Estimates for Public Services
Definition: A document which sets out the amount planned to be spent by Government Departments and certain agencies in the coming year.

Definition: Relating to finances or money matters, especially in terms of government revenue (taxes) and spending.

Definition: An outline or structure that provides a basis for organising or understanding something. In legislation, it could be a set of guiding principles for making laws.

Front Bench
Definition: The seats where Government Ministers and party spokespersons sit in the Dáil and Seanad.

Definition: The way a country, organisation, or institution is managed and controlled. It's about decision-making and leadership.

Definition: A restriction on the time allocated to debate a Bill in one of the Houses, which may result in the Bill being passed without being fully debated.

Heads of State
Definition: The top leaders of a country, often with symbolic and ceremonial roles. For instance, the President is the head of state in Ireland.

Houses of the Oireachtas
Definition: The national parliament of Ireland which consists of the President, Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann.

Definition: Putting plans or laws into action. It's the process of making sure what's decided happens.

Joint Committee
Definition: A Committee which comprises of Members of both Dáil and Seanad Éireann.

Definition: The branch of government responsible for interpreting and applying the law. Courts and judges are part of the judiciary.

Laid Documents
Definition: Documents officially presented to the Dáil and the Seanad for the information of TDs and Senators.

Left Wing
Definition: Refers to political beliefs that lean towards social equality, government intervention in the economy, and progressive change.

Definition: Laws created by a legislative body, like a parliament. They set the rules and regulations that people and organisations must follow.

Definition: A document outlining the goals and promises of a political party or individual. It explains what they intend to do if they're elected.

Definition: A formal proposal made in the Dáil or Seanad which may be debated and voted on by the Members.

Definition: The act of proposing someone as a candidate for a position, like an election or appointment.

Northern Ireland Assembly
Definition: The devolved legislature for Northern Ireland. It has the power to make laws in a wide range of areas.

Northern Ireland Protocol
Definition: The Northern Ireland Protocol is an agreement within the broader Brexit. It aims to regulate trade between Northern Ireland (part of the United Kingdom) and the Republic of Ireland (an independent country) while avoiding the reintroduction of a...

Definition: Political parties or individuals not in the ruling government. They provide alternative views and critique the government's actions.

Definition: Monitoring and supervising to ensure that things are done correctly, especially in government or organisations.

Political Party
Definition: A group of persons organized to acquire and exercise political power.

President Elect
Definition: The person who has been chosen to become the next President but hasn't officially taken office yet.