2 DFómh 2024, 11:53
The Joint Committee on Disability Matters will meet on Wednesday October 2nd on the topic of habiliation and rehabilitation – UNCRPD Article 26.
The meeting will take place in Committee Room 4 of Leinster House between 17:30-20:30.
The following representatives are due to appear:
Reinhard Schaler - Chief Executive Officer, An Saol Foundation
Odhrán Ó hUallacháin - Senior Physiotherapist and Interim Clinical Lead, An Saol Foundation
Joe Grogan, Board Member, An Saol Foundation
Magdalen Rogers, Executive Director Neurological Alliance of Ireland, Neurological Alliance of Ireland & Multiple Sclerosis Ireland
Alison Cotter, Research and Advocacy Officer Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland and Vice Chair of the Neurological Alliance of Ireland, Neurological Alliance of Ireland & Multiple Sclerosis Ireland
Speaking ahead of the meeting, Committee Cathaoirleach Deputy Michael Moynihan said: “We welcome the opportunity to discuss Ireland’s response to the rehabilitation needs of people living with neurological conditions, in the context of the commitment to rehabilitation as a right under Article 26 of the UNCRPD.”
“Article 26 of the UNCRPD is about putting people living with a disability at the centre of their rehabilitative and habilitative care. It’s offering a choice, to prevent crises, and to support people living with a disability in the way they want to be supported.”
“The National Neurorehabilitation Strategy provides a much needed framework and impetus for developing neurorehabilitation services and what needs to be done to make Article 26 a lived reality for people with neurological conditions and their families throughout Ireland.”
“We look forward to hearing the views of representatives on the topic and other related matters.”
Watch the meeting live here or on the Oireachtas smartphone app for Apple and Android.