10 DFómh 2024, 15:56
The Joint Committee on Disability Matters has today, Thursday October 10th, published its report entitled ‘Planning for Inclusive Communities for persons with disabilities’.
The Committee undertook a module of public meetings between October 2022 and July 2024 examining various aspects of communities and the supports required by persons with disabilities to live and participate in their communities.
The report has 30 recommendations for the Government to implement.
Speaking at the publication of the report, Committee Cathaoirleach Deputy Michael Moynihan said:
“The Committee heard testimonies from several Disabled Persons Organisations and disability service providers as well as Government organisations. Through these meetings and like all testimonials on lived experience made to the Committee, these were powerful testimonies that raised awareness of several important issues.”
“The Committee recommends that the planning and shaping of inclusive communities requires more action by the State to mobilise an All-of-Government collaboration to establish mechanisms to ensure equal access and truly embed the rights of people with disabilities.”
“Planning for inclusive communities must from the outset be led and guided by the UNCRPD. Before even beginning to think about how we plan for these, or how we might design or build homes, we must embed the concept that disabled people, through their DPOs, are actively involved in the co-creation of strategic policies and practices that impact our lives. The realisation of disabled people's rights under the UNCRPD in resourcing inclusive communities must be grounded on the principle that as disabled people, they are the experts in our own lives.”
The following are some of the recommendations
1. The Government must mainstream community inclusion which will support the coordination of all public bodies with a duty regarding inclusion, to support persons with disabilities to be appropriately transitioned to live independently and be included in the community.
2. The Government must develop a national plan for inclusive communities with cross Government support and leadership as well assigning a central coordination point.
3. Equality Budgeting must be developed to deliver CRPD compliant budgeting, and all Government departments must update their budgetary key metrics to include disability.
4. It is essential that a needs-based Personal Assistance Service (PAS) is established on a national statutory basis.
5. Access to independent advocacy must be increased so that individuals in inappropriate settings have access to advocacy. National Advocacy Service (NAS) must be adequately funded to access all settings.
6. Develop and resource a standard programme of advocacy and advocacy training across all disability residential settings including measures to allow individuals inform the decongregation process. Training should be provided to support disability service providers to update their service to support advocacy.
7. Develop a framework for the transition of persons with disabilities into the communities including an assessment and resource allocation model to ensure a rights-based approach.
The Committee call on the Government to implement all the recommendations. Read the report in full here.
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Áine McMahon
Tithe an Oireachtais
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