6 Samh 2024, 09:27
The Joint Committee on Disability Matters will meet on Wednesday November 6th to discuss future proofing to improve the life and longevity of persons with disabilities with representatives from Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability.
The meeting will take place in Committee Room 1 of Leinster House between 17:30-20:30.
The following representatives are due to appear:
Prof Mary McCarron, Dr. Eilish Burke, Dr. Martin McMahon, and Dr Eimear McGlinchey
Speaking ahead of the meeting, Committee Cathaoirleach Deputy Michael Moynihan said: “We welcome the opportunity to discuss ‘Future proofing to improve the life and longevity for persons with disabilities’ and the implications for healthcare practice and policy.”
“IDS-TILDA examines ageing among people with an intellectual disability aged 40 years and over in the Republic of Ireland. As the first study of its kind in Europe, and through alignment with The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), it remains the only study in the world able to directly compare ageing among people with an intellectual disability with ageing in the general population.”
“IDS-TILDA data demonstrates that the lives of people with intellectual disabilities have improved—sometimes dramatically—in many areas over time. This is particularly true for those with mild and moderate levels of intellectual disability and for those not living in residential care.”
Watch the meeting live here or on the Oireachtas smartphone app for Apple and Android.
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Áine McMahon
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