Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Fógraí trédhearcachta

Is ionann fógra príobháideachais nó trédhearcachta agus ráiteas a dhéantar do dhaoine arb iad is ábhar do shonraí maidir leis an gcaoi a mbailíonn, a n-úsáideann, a gcoinníonn agus a nochtann an tSeirbhís a gcuid faisnéise pearsanta.

D’fhéadfadh sé go ndéanfaimis faisnéis a bhailiú agus a úsáid nuair a thagann daoine chuig ár gcampas Parlaiminteach, nuair a sheoltar comhfhreagras chugainn, nuair a fhreastalaíonn daoine ar ár gcuid imeachtaí, nuair a leanann siad ár gcuid cuntas meán sóisialta nó nuair a íoslódáiltear ár n-aip.

Leis na fógraí trédhearcachta, soláthraítear sonraí maidir leis an mbonn dlíthiúil atá le próiseáil na sonraí pearsanta, sonraí maidir le cearta na ndaoine is ábhar do na sonraí agus sonraí teagmhála oifigeach cosanta sonraí na Seirbhíse.

Baineann fógra trédhearcachta Oifig na bhFiosrúchán le cuairteoirí chuig ár gcampas agus cuimsíonn sonraí maidir leis an bhfaisnéis a theastaíonn chun cead isteach a éascú.

Enquiries Office transparency notice

Who is issuing this notice and why?
What kinds of information does the Service collect?
Data controller
Legal basis
Recipients and further processing
Third country
Your rights about your personal information
Data protection officer
Variation of transparency notice

Tá sonraí san fhógra trédhearcachta CCTV ar an gcaoi agus ar na fáthanna a mbailítear do chuid sonraí pearsanta ar cheamaraí Ciorcaid Iata (CCTV) agus mar a dhéanann an tSeirbhís na píosaí scannánaíochta a bhainistiú.

CCTV transparency notice

Purpose and legal bases of CCTV system
Data controller and processor
Recipients / data sharing
Data subject rights
Appendix 1

San fhógra trédhearcachta maidir leis an mbeartas cairte custaiméirí agus plean gníomhaíochta chun freagairt d’iompraíocht mhíréasúnta tá cuntas ar an gcaoi a ndéileálann an tSeirbhís, mar rialaitheoir sonraí, le do chuid faisnéise pearsanta nuair is custaiméir de chuid na Seirbhíse thú, lena n-áirítear nuair a dhéanann tú gearán.

Customer charter and action plan policy for responding to unreasonable behaviour transparency notice

Who is issuing this notice and why?
Customer Charter and Action Plan
Policy for Responding to Unreasonable Behaviour
Rights common to most uses of personal information
In the context of this privacy notice, what kinds of information does the service collect?
Criminal offence data (Data Protection Act 2018, s. 55; GDPR, Article 10)
Legal basis
Recipients/Data sharing
Further dealing with your personal information
Variation of privacy notice

San fhógra trédhearcachta  maidir le himeachtaí sóisialta agus comórtha d’iarbhaill foirne de chuid Choimisiún Thithe an Oireachtais, tá sonraí maidir leis an gcaoi a ndéileálann an lucht eagraithe le faisnéis phearsanta maidir le himeachtaí a bhíonn á reáchtáil agus nuair a chuirtear cuireadh ar dhaoine freastal orthu.

Social and commemorative events for former staff members of the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission transparency notice

Who is issuing this notice and why?
In the context of this transparency notice, what kinds of information do the organisers collect?
Purpose and legal basis
Sources, recipients and data sharing
Further dealing with your personal information
Transfers to third countries
Your rights about your personal information
Variation of transparency notice

Tá sonraí i bhfógra trédhearcachta shuirbhé na gComhaltaí ar an gcaoi agus na fáthanna a bhféadfaí sonraí pearsanta a úsáid sa tionscadal acadúil faoi leith seo.

Members' survey transparency notice

Data protection responsibilities as between co-controllers
Purposes / Special category data
Legal basis
Sources, recipients / data sharing, and retention

Baineann an fógra seo le leagan na ndoiciméad os comhair na dtithe, leis na cásanna ina mbíonn gá próiseáil do chuid sonraí pearsanta riachtanach agus comhréireach chun tabhairt faoin tasc.

Laying documents before the House transparency notice

Who is issuing this notice and why?
What kinds of information does the service collect?
Data Controller
Legal basis
How do we use this information?
Recipients and further processing
Third country
Your rights about your personal information
Data protection officer
Variation of transparency notice

Baineann an fógra seo le glacadh grianghraf agus íomhánna gluaisteacha agus le faisnéis phearsanta eile do chuairteoirí ar champas na parlaiminte Oíche Chultúir.

Culture Night 2024: Transparency and copyright notice (photos and moving images and other personal information)

How your personal information is collected
How we use your personal information and purposes
Sources, recipients and sharing of personal information
How long do we keep your personal information?
Copyright and waiver

This notice relates to staff of Members of the Houses of the Oireachtas.

Privacy notice for staff of members of the Houses of the Oireachtas

Who is issuing this notice and why?
Data protection officer
Authority and permission to use personal information. Relevant conditions.
Sources of personal information
Who will get the personal information?
Transfers to third countries
Further dealing with personal information
Your rights about your personal information
Variation of privacy notice
Personal information needed for providing a payroll service to your employer
Special category data
Criminal offence data
Retention of candidate and service (employee) records

This notice relates to Members as recipients of services.

Privacy notice for Members as recipients of services

Identity and contact details of the controller
Data Protection Officer
Authority and permission to use personal information. Relevant conditions
Who will get the personal information?
Transfers to third countries
Further dealing with personal information
Your rights about your personal information
Special category data
Criminal offence data

This notice relates to panel member nominations and candidates with respect to a Seanad general election.

Seanad general election | Transparency notice regarding panel member nominations and candidates

How your personal information is collected and otherwise dealt with in the course of the election
Legal bases and purposes
Sources, recipients and sharing of personal information
How long do we keep your personal information?