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PBO | Essentials

With PBO | Essentials, the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) has curated a list of core reference resources to better understand discussions about the economy, the budget, taxation and how public money is spent.

Essential | Insight

With Essential | Insight, we look at a series of indispensable guidance documents that help to decipher financial and economic concepts.

Our current Essential Insight is an explainer of the European Semester process, introduced in 2011 partly as a response to the global financial crisis and which is a co-ordinating and monitoring framework for governments of the European Union for economic and fiscal policies

Take a look at our essential guides

The economy

Introduction to the Irish economy: Fiscal Policy

Introduction to the Irish economy: Monetary Policy

Introduction to the Irish economy: Economic Growth

Introduction to the Irish economy: Inflation

Introduction to the Irish economy: Unemployment

Potential Output, the Output Gap and Associated Key Issues for Fiscal Policy-making in Ireland

General Government Debt: Key Issues to Consider

A Primer on Economic Overheating: What it means and how to measure it

PBO Note on The Business Cycle

PBO Model for Medium-Term Macroeconomic Forecasting

Public spending and taxation
EU rules
Equality budgeting and budget reform
EU and international developments