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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 21 Nov 1924

Vol. 9 No. 15


asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he will state why an old age pension was reduced from 8s. to 4s. per week in the case of Catherine Savage, Ross, Tara, County Meath; whether he is aware that this old woman is now dependent on her son-in-law for support, and whether he will take the necessary steps to have the pension restored to the former rate.

I have no information or functions in this case as there has been no appeal to me against the ruling given by the Pension Officer upon his review under the Act of 1924. The Deputy might wish to take the matter up with the Minister for Finance. The review would, however, be final unless the pensioner exercised her right of appeal to the local Pension Sub-Committee. If she had not availed herself in due course of that right the time for doing so has long since expired, and the only course open to her now is to raise a question with the Pension Officer and furnish with it a detailed statement of her means.
