“Go ndeontag suim nach mó ná £8,423,000 i gcuntas chun no mar chabhair chun íoctha na Muirear a thiocfaidh chun bheith iníochtha i rith na bliana dar críocha 31adh lá de Mhárta, 1944, i gcóir seirbhísí áirithe puiblí, eadhon:— |
That a sum not exceeding £8,423,000 be granted on account for or towards defraying the Charges that will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1944, for certain public services, namely:— |
£ |
£ |
1 Teaghlachas an Uachtaráin |
1,300 |
1 President's Establishment |
1,300 |
2 Tithe an Oireachtais |
42,100 |
2 Houses of the Oireachtas |
42,100 |
3 Roinn an Taoisigh |
5,150 |
3 Department of the Taoiseach |
5,150 |
4 An tArd-Reachtaire Cunntas Ciste |
6,890 |
4 Comptroller and Auditor-General |
6,890 |
5 Oifig an Aire Airgeadais |
26,200 |
5 Office of the Minister for Finance |
26,200 |
6 Oifig na gCoimisinéirí Ioncuim |
320,000 |
6 Office of the Revenue Commissioners |
320,000 |
7 Pinsin Sean-Aoise |
1,265,000 |
7 Old Age Pensions |
1,265,000 |
8 Deolchairí Cúitimh |
100 |
8 Compensation Bounties |
100 |
9 Oifig na nOibreacha Poiblidhe |
47,800 |
9 Office of Public Works |
47,800 |
10 Oibreacha agus Foirgintí Poiblidhe |
335,000 |
10 Public Works and Buildings |
335,000 |
11 Longlann Inis Sionnach |
1,000 |
11 Haulbowline Dockyard |
1,000 |
12 Saotharlann Stáit |
3,350 |
12 State Laboratory |
3,350 |
13 Coimisiún na Stát-Sheirbhíse |
8,100 |
13 Civil Service Commission |
8,100 |
14 Bord Cuartaíochta na hEireann |
Nil |
14 Irish Tourist Board |
Nil |
15 Coimisiúin agus Fiosrúcháin Speisialta |
2,400 |
15 Commissions and Special Inquiries |
2,400 |
16 Aoisliúntais agus Liúntais Fágála |
176,500 |
16 Superannuation and Retired Allowances |
176,500 |
17 Rátaí ar Mhaoin Riaghaltais |
88,500 |
17 Rates on Government Property |
88,500 |
18 An tSeirbhís Seicréideach |
6,700 |
18 Secret Service |
6,700 |
19 Costaisí fén Acht Timpeal Togha chán agus fé Acht na nGiúirithe |
Nil |
19 Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act |
Nil |
20 Costaisí Ilghnéitheacha |
4,200 |
20 Miscellaneous Expenses |
4,200 |
21 Páipéarachas agus Clódóireacht |
62,000 |
21 Stationery and Printing |
62,000 |
22 Measadóireacht agus Suirbhéireacht Teorann |
11,500 |
22 Valuation and Boundary Survey |
11,500 |
23 Suirbhéireacht an Ordonáis |
8,900 |
23 Ordnance Survey |
8,900 |
24 Deontaisí Breise Talmhaíochta |
100,000 |
24 Supplementary Agricultural Grants |
100,000 |
25 Dlí-Mhuirearacha |
23,500 |
25 Law Charges |
23,500 |
26 Ollscoileanna agus Coláistí |
39,500 |
26 Universities and Colleges |
39,500 |
27 Pinsin do Bhaintreacha agus do Dhílleachtaithe |
150,000 |
27 Widows' and Orphans Pensions |
150,000 |
28 Oifig Thaighde Eolaíochta Ré na Práinne |
11,000 |
28 Emergency Scientific Research Bureau |
11,000 |
29 Bainistí Stoc Riaghaltais |
50 |
29 Management of Government Stocks |
50 |
30 Talmhaidheacht |
450,000 |
30 Agriculture |
450,000 |
31 Iascach |
4,500 |
31 Fisheries |
4,500 |
32 Oifig an Aire Dlighidh agus Cirt |
Nil |
32 Office of the Minister for Justice |
Nil |
33 An Gárda Síochána |
Nil |
33 Gárda Síochána |
Nil |
34 Príosúin |
Nil |
34 Prisons |
Nil |
35 An Chúirt Dúithche |
Nil |
35 District Court |
Nil |
36 An Chúirt Chuarda |
Nil |
36 Circuit Court |
Nil |
37 An Chúirt Uachtarach agus an Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais |
Nil |
37 Supreme Court and High Court of Justice |
Nil |
38 Clárlann na Talmhan agus Clárlann na nDintiúirí |
Nil |
38 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds |
Nil |
39 Oifig na nAnnálacha Puiblí |
Nil |
39 Public Record Office |
Nil |
40 Tabhartaisí agus Tiomanta Déirciúla |
Nil |
40 Charitable Donations and Bequests |
Nil |
41 Riaghaltas Aiteamhail agus Sláinte Phoiblidhe |
523,000 |
41 Local Government and Public Health |
523,000 |
42 Oifig an Ard-Chlárathóra |
4,530 |
42 General Register Office |
4,530 |
43 Gealtlann Dúndroma |
5,000 |
43 Dundrum Asylum |
5,000 |
44 Arachas Sláinte Náisiúnta |
150,000 |
44 National Health Insurance |
150,000 |
45 Oifig an Aire Oideachais |
Nil |
45 Office of the Minister for Education |
Nil |
46 Bun-Oideachas |
Nil |
46 Primary Education |
Nil |
47 Meadhon-Oidheachas |
Nil |
47 Secondary Education |
Nil |
48 Ceárd-Oideachas |
Nil |
48 Technical Instruction |
Nil |
49 Eolaíocht agus Ealadha |
Nil |
49 Science and Art |
Nil |
50 Scoileanna Ceartúcháin agus Saothair |
Nil |
50 Reformatory and Industrial Schools |
Nil |
51 An Gaileirí Náisiúnta |
Nil |
51 National Gallery |
Nil |
52 Tailte |
Nil |
52 Lands |
Nil |
53 Foraoiseacht |
Nil |
53 Forestry |
Nil |
54 Seirbhísí na Gaeltachta |
Nil |
54 Gaeltacht Services |
Nil |
55 Tionnscal agus Tráchtáil |
Nil |
55 Industry and Commerce |
Nil |
56 Seirbhísí Iompair agus Meteoraíochta |
Nil |
56 Transport and Meteorological Services |
Nil |
57 An Bínse Bóthair Iarainn |
Nil |
57 Railway Tribunal |
Nil |
58 Muir-Sheirbhís |
Nil |
58 Marine Service |
Nil |
59 Arachas Díomhaointis agus Congnamh Díomhaointis |
Nil |
59 Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance |
Nil |
60 Oifig Chlárathachta Mhaoine Tionnscail agus Tráchtála |
Nil |
60 Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office |
Nil |
61 Puist agus Telegrafa |
862,000 |
61 Posts and Telegraphs |
862,000 |
62 Fóirleatha Nea-shrangach |
26,300 |
62 Wireless Broadcasting |
26,300 |
63 An tArm |
2,836,000 |
63 Army |
2,836,000 |
64 Arm-Phinsin |
207,000 |
64 Army Pensions |
207,000 |
65 Gnóthaí Eachtracha |
32,500 |
65 External Affairs |
32,500 |
66 Cumann na Náisiún |
Nil |
66 League of Nations |
Nil |
67 Scéimeanna Fostaíochta agus Scéimeanna Práinne |
300,000 |
67 Employment and Emergency Schemes |
300,000 |
68 Conganta Airgid alos Tortha Thalmhaíochta |
233,000 |
68 Agricultural Produce Subsidies |
233,000 |
69 Soláthairtí |
Nil |
69 Supplies |
Nil |
70 Institiúid Ard-Léighinn Bhaile Atha Cliath |
Nil |
70 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies |
Nil |
71 Liúntaisí Bídh |
Nil |
71 Food Allowances |
Nil |
72 Cúiteamh i nDíobháil do Mhaoin (Neodracht) |
40,000 |
72 Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation |
40,000 |
73 Cúiteamh alos Díobhála Pearsanta (Síbhialtaigh) |
2,430 |
73 Personal Injuries (Civilians) Compensation |
2,430 |
£8,423,000 |
£8,423,000” |
Is dócha gur cuimhin leis na Teachtaí a bhí ina gcomhaltaí den Dáil deireannach gur chuir an Vóta i gCúntas don bhliain airgeadais seo a ritheadh i Mí na Márta so caithte dóthain airgid ar fáil chun na Seirbhísí Puiblí do choimeád ar siúl go dtí tímpeall an lá deireannach den mhí seo, tráth bhéadh mion-scrúdú na Meastachán críochnuithe againn de ghnáth. Ní dhearna an Dáil deireannach ach naoi geinn ar fhichid de na Meastacháin do rith, ámhthach, agus ní foláir anois, thárla gur ar éigin a fhéadfaí deighleáil láithreach leis na ceithre Meastacháin is dachad atá fágtha, ní foláir Vóta eile i gCúntas do rith, mara bhfuiltear chun na seirbhísí lena mbaineann na Meastacháin sin do leigint in éag ag deire na míosa.
Sé an méid atá ag teastáil ná ocht milliún go leith púnt, go garbh, agus tá sé curtha le chéile mar atá leagtha amach ar Chlár na hOibre agus ar an bPáipéar Bán a cuireadh timcheall chuig na Teachtaí. Meastar gur leor an tsuim sin do mhíosa Lúnasa, Meán Fómhair, Deire Fómhair, agus na Samhna, agus tá súil agam go mbeidh breithiúnas déanta againn ar na Meastacháin go léir sar a mbeidh an tréimhse sin istigh. Go generálta, sí an tsuim a hiarrtar do gach Vóta ar leith ná timpeall trian den Mheastachán iomlán glan in aghaidh na bliana; i gcásanna áirithe níorbh fhéidir claoidhe leis an riail sin, ámhthach.
Sé an méid iomlán glan atá ag teastáil i mbliana do na Seirbhísí Soláthair ná £40,978,579, agus dhá Mheastachán Fhoirlíontacha gur glacadh leo tar éis foillsithe Imleabhar na Meastachán d'áireamh. Is méadú de £546,751 no 1? per cent. é seo ar an soláthar iomlán de £40,431,828 a deineadh don bhliain seo caithte. Foluíonn an tsuim dheireannach sin, ar ndóigh, na Meastacháin Fhoirlíontacha agus Bhreise do ritheadh i gcaitheamh na bliana. Bé an chéad soláthar glan don bhliain seo caithte ná £39,112,301 agus, i gcomórtas leis an fhigiúr sin, tá soláthar 1943-44 imithe in áirde £1,866,278 no 4¾ per cent.
Den tsoláthar a hiarrtar i geóir na bliana so, tugadh £14,419,294 cheana chun crícheanna na naoi Meastachán ar fiehid go bhfuil glactha leo ag an Dáil. Cuireadh £8,952,595 den fhuighleach de £26,559,285 ar fáil sa chéad Vóta i gCúntas.
Deputies who were members of the last Dáil will recall that the Vote on Account for the current financial year, which was passed in March last, provided sufficient moneys to enable the various public services to be carried on up to approximately the 31st of this month, by which time the detailed consideration of the Estimates would normally have been completed. Only 29 of the current Estimates were passed by the last Dáil, however, and, as it would hardly be feasible to dispose of the remaining 44 Estimates immediately, it is necessary to pass a further Vote on Account if the services to which those Estimates relate are not to be brought to a standstill at the end of this month.
The amount required is approximately eight and a half million pounds, and is made up as indicated on the Order Paper, and on the White Paper which has been circulated to Deputies. This provision will, it is calculated, be sufficient for the months of August, September, October, and November, by which time I hope we shall have completed our consideration of the remaining Estimates. The sum required for each particular Vote is in general about one-third of the total net Estimate for the year; in some cases, however, a departure from that proportion is necessary.
The total net sum required for the supply services for the current financial year, including the total of two Supplementary Estimates passed since the volume of Estimates was published, is £40,978,579, representing an increase of £546,751 or 1? per cent. on the net provision of £40,431,828 for last year. The latter sum includes, of course, all Supplementary and Additional Estimates passed during the year. The original net provision for last year was £39,112,301, and, as compared with that figure, the 1943-44 provision is up by £1,866,278 or 4¾ per cent.
Of the sum required for this year, £14,419,294 is in respect of the 29 Estimates already passed. £8,952,595 of the remaining £26,559,285 was provided in the first Vote on Account.
Deputies who sat in the last Dáil have already had an opportunity of studying the Estimates for the current year. For the information of new Deputies I may say that the increase over the original Estimate for 1942-43 is due mainly to a substantial increase in the amounts needed for certain social and emergency services. The payment of emergency bonus to State servants will cost approximately £656,000 and the improved rates and enlarged scope of unemployment assistance and food allowances £240,000. There is also an increase of £120,000 in the provision for old age pensions due to an anticipated increase in our septuagenarian population. An additional £200,000 (making a total of £700,000) is being provided to subsidise the price of agricultural produce, and the maintaining of a special register of agricultural and turf workers in order that labour may be available for the saving of turf and the harvest is estimated to cost £104,000.
The subsidy on the price of turf will cost £650,000, and we are spending this year £634,000 to enable fertilisers to be supplied to farmers at reasonable rates. These new items alone account for approximately £2,610,000 and it will be apparent that, had they not been rendered necessary by the events of the past year, there would have been a reduction of about £750,000 over the whole supply services, notwithstanding the substantial rise in the cost of materials reflected through many of the normal services.