asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if the contract for the printing of the Holy Year commemoration stamp has been placed abroad.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Holy Year Commemoration Stamp.
Yes. In view of the purpose for which the stamp is being issued, it was considered desirable to have it produced by the most up-todate technical process, that is, by Recess printing. As there are no facilities available in this country for the production of stamps by the Recess process, it was necessary to have the stamp printed abroad.
If it is necessary to have our stamps printed by the Recess process, have the Government considered the advisability of secur-ing a plant to have those stamps printed here?
The matter is engaging our very active consideration.
Can the Minister give us any indication when the stamps will be available?
We hope to have them in circulation the first week in September.