Are these last two Bills extensive Bills which would necessitate a White Paper or an explanatory memorandum, or are they brief Bills merely altering the undeveloped areas?
Undeveloped Areas (Amendment) Bill, 1962: First Stage.
Leave given to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to extend the duration of, and to amend, the Undeveloped Areas Acts, 1952 and 1957.—(Minister for Industry and Commerce).
Brief Bills, not altering the undeveloped areas but altering certain sections in the existing Acts.
When the Taoiseach says that Bills will be available within a reasonable time before 22nd January, I presume he means two or three weeks before?
Yes. The Government desire to get these Bills enacted as quickly as possible.
They are not lengthy Bills?
Will there be important changes?
There will be some changes.
Second Stage ordered for Tuesday, January 22nd, 1963.