The person named applied on 20 ewes under the 1996 ewe premium scheme and 20 hoggets under the 1996 sheep headage scheme. At an inspection carried out on his flock on 8 March 1996 20 ewes were presented and accepted. No hoggets were presented and the person named was deemed ineligible under the sheep headage scheme. At the subsequent compliance inspection carried out on 18 April 1996, no ewes were presented and the person named was deemed intellgible under the ewe premium scheme.
The person named applied under the 1996 cattle headage scheme on 21 animals. He was inspected on 20 September 1996 and nine animals were absent. Consequently the person named incurred a penalty of 100 per cent.
The person named applied for the October 1996 suckler cow scheme under his own herd number. This application could not be processed as an application had already been received on 5 June 1996 for the May 1996 suckler cow premium scheme is small-scale milk producers under a different herd number of which the person named became one of the joint registered owners on 5 July 1996. Only one application is allowed under the suckler cow premium scheme each year. He and his mother will, however, receive payment under the May 1996 suckler cow premium scheme for small-scale milk producers within two weeks. The delay in making payment in this case is due to inquiries which had to be made following an on-farm inspection.