Alan Shatter
Question:36 Mr. Shatter asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the status regarding the establishment of an independent marine consultancy investigation board. [3731/99]
Vol. 500 No. 3
36 Mr. Shatter asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the status regarding the establishment of an independent marine consultancy investigation board. [3731/99]
The establishment of a new statutory marine casualty investigation board with enhanced powers to investigate marine casualties and to expeditiously publish reports of the board's findings is a key proposal of the recently published report of the investigation of marine casualties policy review group.
As I have stated before, I have accepted the general thrust and content of the review group's report and work is well under way in my Department on the preparation of the required legislative framework to implement, inter alia, this key proposal. In this regard, a draft memorandum and the general scheme of a Bill, has been circulated recently to relevant Government Departments for observations.