While neither my Department or its agencies has funds available for private counselling, FAS provides a guidance and counselling service. in relation to career/vocational choice for job seekers. This involves an assessment of aptitudes, abilities and experience primarily in relation to employment. Candidates might subsequently be referred to FAS training and/or employment programmes. In certain circumstances, the placement officer will maintain contact with the job seeker both through the career path activity and subsequent employment.
The Local Employment Services, LES, which is currently located in 18 areas, provides more in-depth guidance and counselling for job seekers who are experiencing severe difficulty in accessing labour market opportunities, that is, long-term unemployed people. This is provided on a small case load basis, and allows for much more intensive interaction, including follow-up, with job seekers.
These counselling facilities in FAS and LES are primarily aimed at people who are unemployed and ready for and seeking work. Where it is considered that the job seeker has other, non-work-career related problems, he/she would be referred to an appropriate agency, for example, the health board as neither FAS nor LES has the expertise to deal with such issues. In general, companies assist their own employees to access training or other necessary services where they are related to their own employment.
The Deputy may also wish to note that the Government has also established, under the aegis of the Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation, 13 drug task force areas, 12 in Dublin and one in Cork. These were established by the Government as part of an overall response to the drugs crisis. A range of drug recuperation/ rehabilitation programmes and services are being set up within these areas to support the re-integration of ex-drug users back into society and employment.