Dan Neville
Question:120 Mr. Neville asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development when the balance of a REP scheme grant will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Limerick. [27308/99]
Vol. 512 No. 7
120 Mr. Neville asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development when the balance of a REP scheme grant will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Limerick. [27308/99]
Arrangements are being made to issue the balance of the payment due to the person named. The payment will issue before Christmas.
121 Mr. Higgins (Mayo) asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development the reason payment of headage and suckler cow grants to a person (details supplied) in County Mayo have not been made. [27313/99]
As I indicated in my reply to Parliamentary Question No. 86 on 17 November 1999, the person named submitted an incomplete 1999 area aid application form. He did not indicate the areas of parcels of land included in his application nor did he provide proof of his entitlement to claim on commonage parcels. He was contacted in this regard and provided details of the relevant parcels and proof of entitlement to the commonage, to the area aid unit.
The process of entering these parcel details onto the Department's electronic database has now been completed. The person named applied for 51.20 hectares on his 1999 area aid application form. Following processing of his application an area of 50.93 hectares was determined which is 0.27 hectares or 0.53% less than that in his application.
Under Article 9 of EU Regulation 3887/92, no penalty is applied when the difference is less than 3%, the penalty is based on double the difference when it is between 3% and 20% and when the difference is over 20%, a 100% penalty must be applied.
Therefore in this case no penalty is applied leaving the area determined for payment at 50.93 hectares. Any payments due will issue as soon as possible.