Phil Hogan
Question:68 Mr. Hogan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the plans she has to provide essential support for the textile industry in view of the recent number of job losses in this sector. [11233/00]
Vol. 518 No. 2
68 Mr. Hogan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the plans she has to provide essential support for the textile industry in view of the recent number of job losses in this sector. [11233/00]
Due to the nature of the world economy and Ireland's improving standard of living, Ireland is no longer a low cost labour location. As a result of this, the clothing and textile sector will continue to face the relocation of labour intensive activities to lower cost countries.
The clothing industry is in a period of great change, as the effects of a strong economy influence the economic factors underlying the sector. In recognition of this significant change I established a review group to develop a revised strategy for the sector. The review group, whose report I launched recently, comprised the Irish Clothing Manufacturers Federation, Enterprise Ireland, FÁS and my own Department.