Michael Ring
Question:94 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Health and Children the reason there is no physiotherapy service in Ballina, County Mayo (details supplied). [11285/00]
Vol. 518 No. 2
94 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Health and Children the reason there is no physiotherapy service in Ballina, County Mayo (details supplied). [11285/00]
The development of services, including physiotherapy services, for people with physical and sensory disabilities is a matter for the relevant health board. From the additional £7 million provided this year for the development of these services, the Western Health Board was allocated a total of £697,000 for its agreed priority service developments. Health boards decide priorities for the allocation of such funding in consultation with its regional co-ordinating committee for physical and sensory disability services. The Deputy's question has been referred to the chief executive officer, Western Health Board with a request that she examine the query and reply directly to the Deputy, as a matter of urgency.