Frances Fitzgerald
Question:74 Ms Fitzgerald asked the Taoiseach the progress to date on the study commissioned by the Government on unpaid work and its value to the economy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17957/00]
Vol. 522 No. 2
74 Ms Fitzgerald asked the Taoiseach the progress to date on the study commissioned by the Government on unpaid work and its value to the economy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17957/00]
In consideration of the commitments given in Partnership 2000, paragraph 5.11, a pilot time use survey was carried out by the CSO in June 1997. A full time use survey is needed to provide information on the quantum of unpaid work undertaken. A report on the outcome of the pilot survey was published in July 1999. This showed that conducting a full survey would be feasible but that it would be a major undertaking requiring considerable financing. In addition, a number of technical issues were raised that would require further investigation.