The primary objective of the Seveso directive is to prevent major accidents involving dangerous substances, and to limit the consequences of such accidents for human beings and the environment. Primary responsibility for transposition of the directive rests with the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, through the Health and Safety Authority.
The directive requires that appropriate consultation procedures be put in place, to ensure that technical advice is available to planning authorities when planning decisions are being taken in respect of Seveso type establishments and development in the vicinity of such establishments. The Health and Safety Authority, as the central competent authority designate for the purpose of overseeing implementation of the directive in Ireland, has responsibility for providing the necessary advice to planning authorities.
Pending adoption of the necessary changes to the planning code, my Department wrote to planning authorities in July 1999 urging them to take immediate steps to meet the directive's requirements. In particular, they were advised to take account of the specific requirements in relation to the setting of development objectives in the development plan and also in relation to the processing of planning applications.