There is a range of accommodation provided by local authorities and voluntary bodies for homeless people. Hostel accommodation, which is the main source of emergency accommodation for homeless persons, includes long-term, transitional or medium-term accommodation where, in many instances, people can remain during the day and avail of meals and laundry facilities. Overnight emergency accommodation is usually vacated every day, although in some cases the same persons might come back nightly. In addition to the availability of hostel accommodation, bed and breakfast accommodation is also used to accommodate homeless people, where necessary. In some cases, health care and welfare services are also provided to homeless persons.
Accommodation for asylum seekers is procured by the directorate for asylum support services in the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. The provision of accommodation for homeless persons and asylum seekers is not directly comparable as asylum seekers are provided with accommodation on arrival in the country on a dispersal basis at various locations throughout the country. The Government's integrated strategy on homelessness has identified a need for the provision of more accommodation and of a wider range of accommodation for homeless persons. I expect that local authority action plans for homeless services will set out the range and amount of additional accommodation to be provided over the next three years.