Gerry Reynolds
Question:158 Mr. G. Reynolds asked the Minister for Finance the money allocated and spent to date in 2001 by his Department in each county excluding the BMW region under the national development plan. [25398/01]
Vol. 542 No. 6
158 Mr. G. Reynolds asked the Minister for Finance the money allocated and spent to date in 2001 by his Department in each county excluding the BMW region under the national development plan. [25398/01]
I understand that the Deputy has tabled a similar question to other Ministers and their responses will indicate NDP expenditure in the areas for which each Minister is responsible.
As Minister for Finance, my Department is directly responsible for the allocation and spending of funds under the technical assistance operational programme and also the peace programme. The amount spent on the technical assistance OP is not currently available at county level. Therefore the amount I will give is for the southern and eastern region as a whole.
In the NDP/CSF technical assistance OP 2000-2006 the total allocation for the southern and eastern region in 2000 and 2001 is 2.8 million, of which 0.199 million has been spent from 1 Jan 2000 to 30 June 2001. Spending on technical assistance traditionally accelerates as the programme progresses.