The management authorities of the school concerned have requested a review of the school's overall accommodation needs, including the need for the provision of a technology room. In response, my Department has indicated that any building works required on health and safety grounds will be considered for grant aid. In this regard, the lowest tender has been approved for the provision of six temporary classrooms to facilitate the vacation of two of the school buildings. According to a health and safety report, these buildings are unsuitable for conversion into teaching accommodation.
The school referred to by the Deputy is one of two schools currently serving the post-primary needs of the area concerned. Enrolments have declined significantly at the two schools in recent years and projections indicate that this trend will continue for the foreseeable future. In the circumstances, the issue of rationalisation of post-primary facilities was raised with both sets of trustees last year. A final decision regarding long-term accommodation needs will be taken, having regard to the outcome of deliberations on rationalisation and the availability of capital funding.