Local authorities were advised in my waste policy statement, Changing Our Ways, that achievement of national waste objectives requires, inter alia, a major reduction in reliance on landfill in favour of an integrated waste management approach which utilises a range of treatment options to deliver ambitious recycling and recovery targets. Authorities were asked to identify and assess fully the various issues involved with a view to identifying the nature, scale and mix of facilities which at a regional level appear to offer the best balance at reasonable cost between maximised recovery of materials or energy and minimised environmental emissions. It a matter for the local authorities to take such steps as are appropriate and necessary to attain the objectives of their plans.
A feasibility study examining the thermal treatment options for waste in the mid-west and north east was carried out on behalf of the relevant local authorities in these regions in January 1999. This study provided a technical assessment of thermal treatment technologies, such as incineration, gasification and pyrolysis, including the advantages and disadvantages of each technology, as well as estimated construction costs and gate fees. I am arranging to have details of this study forwarded to the Deputy.