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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 19 Feb 2002

Vol. 548 No. 5

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.

Michael Ring


343 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs if a person (details supplied) in County Mayo is receiving full social welfare entitlements; and if this person is eligible for the free telephone rental allowance. [5277/02]

The person concerned is in receipt of a widow's pension, a fuel allowance and a free travel pass. The son of the person concerned, who is in receipt of disability allowance, is in receipt of an electricity allowance and free television licence.

A previous application for the telephone allowance was not approved as the living-alone condition for this allowance was not satisfied. An application form and information booklet relating to the telephone allowance have issued to the person concerned. Upon receipt of the completed application form a decision will be made and the person concerned will be notified of the outcome at an early date.

Conor Lenihan


344 Mr. C. Lenihan asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs the basis on which a person (details supplied) in Dublin 24 has had a claim for unemployment benefit rejected; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5282/02]

The person concerned was paid unemployment assistance from 21 August 2000 to 19 June 2001. Following a review, his claim was disallowed by a deciding officer on the grounds that he was not genuinely seeking work. He appealed the decision and an appeals officer upheld the deciding officer's decision and disallowed the appeal. The person concerned made a repeat claim for unemployment assistance on 30 January 2002. Following an examination of his case his claim was disallowed on the grounds that he was not genuinely seeking work. He was notified of this decision and of his right of appeal to the Social Welfare Appeals Office on 8 February 2002.
