The current establishment for medical officers, comprising doctors, dentists, pharmacists and psychologists, in the medical corps is 61. At present 37 of these positions are filled while there are vacancies for 20 doctors and four dentists. The most recent competition to recruit doctors for the medical corps was advertised in December 2000 and from it three doctors were appointed between July 2001 and September 2001. At present updated conditions governing the appointment of both doctors and dentists to the medical corps are being finalised. Once these are completed the positions in the Defence Forces will be advertised.
In common with other health service providers within the public sector, the Defence Forces medical corps is encountering difficulty in recruiting and retaining medical personnel. However, my Department, in consultation with the director of the medical corps, is seeking and will continue to seek to recruit additional personnel. I emphasise that in any case where doctors or dentists are not available, suitable local arrangements are made with civilian medical and dental practitioners to ensure that the appropriate level of professional care is available to members of the Defence Forces.