Gerry Reynolds
Question:309 Mr. G. Reynolds asked the Minister for Health and Children the reason a behavioural therapist has not been appointed by the North-Western Health Board to assess children with autism. [7812/02]
Vol. 550 No. 2
309 Mr. G. Reynolds asked the Minister for Health and Children the reason a behavioural therapist has not been appointed by the North-Western Health Board to assess children with autism. [7812/02]
Each year, my Department, in consultation with the Department of Finance, notifies the Eastern Regional Health Authority and each health board of its determination for the following year. It is a matter for the individual health board-authority to allocate these funds having regard to the level of service provided by the board-authority. Responsibility for the provision of health related support services, including respite care, for children with autism in the North-Western Health Board area is a matter in the first instance for the board. In 2002, additional funding amounting to €1.701 million was allocated to the board to further enhance the services for persons with autism and those with an intellectual disability. A sum of €0.222 million was provided specifically for health related support services for children with autism.
My Department has therefore asked the chief executive officer of the board to investigate the matter raised by the Deputy and reply to him directly.