Olivia Mitchell
Question:506 Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the funding available from his Department for either capital or current purposes for SKIP (details supplied). [8152/02]
Vol. 550 No. 2
506 Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the funding available from his Department for either capital or current purposes for SKIP (details supplied). [8152/02]
As the Deputy is no doubt aware, my Department has been assigned the lead role in the development and co-ordination of childcare service provision over the course of the National Development Plan, 2000-2006. My Department operates the Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme 2000-2006, the funding for which comes from both the European Union and the Exchequer. The Equal Opportunities Child Care Programme 2000-2006 funds childcare under three main strands, capital, staffing and quality improvement. Applications for funding under the programme can be made to my Department's child care directorate. Completed applications are initially technically appraised, on behalf of my Department, by Area Development Management Limited. This is followed by an assessment by the Programme Appraisal Committee chaired by my Department before referral to me for final decision.
Under the programme, child care is defined as:
incorporating day care facilities and services for pre-school children and school going children out of school hours. It includes services offering care, education and socialisation opportunities for children to the benefit of children, parents, employers and the wider community. Thus services such as Naíonraí, daycare services, crèches, playgroups, childminding and after-school groups are included but schools (primary, secondary and special) and residential centres for children are excluded.