Cecilia Keaveney
Question:614 Cecilia Keaveney asked the Minister for Education and Science when a planning and briefing meeting will occur for a school (details supplied) in County Donegal; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7885/02]
Vol. 550 No. 2
614 Cecilia Keaveney asked the Minister for Education and Science when a planning and briefing meeting will occur for a school (details supplied) in County Donegal; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7885/02]
I am pleased to inform the Deputy that the school authorities to which the Deputy refers are to receive a new school and PE hall with an area of 4,767 square metres to cater for a long-term projected enrolment of 500 pupils. This project is currently at stage 1 of architectural planning. In January 2002 the building unit of my Department instructed the design team to submit a revised stage 1 submission to the Department. A planning and briefing meeting will be arranged on receipt of the revised stage 1 submission.