The committee to which the Deputy refers was established in November, 1998 to examine further the question of possible incorporation of the European Convention on Human Rights into Irish law arising from an obligation on the Government in the Good Friday Agree ment on Northern Ireland. The Committee finalised its work in early 1999. It did not receive any submissions from any source during that period.
The European Convention on Human Rights Bill, 2001 was presented by me to Dáil Éireann on 5 April 2001. It is currently awaiting Committee Stage. No submission of the type mentioned was received during the preparatory stages of the Bill or at any time thereafter.
I am aware, however, that the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights received detailed submissions and heard presentations from a wide range of interested organisations on the subject matter of the Bill during its consultation process in June and September of last year. It is possible that the submission referred to by the Deputy may have gone to that committee. If the Deputy would like to revert to me with additional information in the matter, I will have further inquiries made.