I have received a detailed submission from Down Syndrome Ireland on the Education for Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2002. I have also received the views of other bodies representing the interests of those with special educational needs arising from disabilities. There is no fundamental disagreement between the views of Down Syndrome Ireland, those other views and the underlying approach of the Bill. All those consulted to-date want a statutory based, effective right to education and all related support services for children with special educational needs from as early an age as those needs demand and continuing on into adulthood. That is my objective also and that is what my Bill is designed to do.
There are some areas of detail where the position adopted by Down Syndrome Ireland differs from that in the Bill. There are a number of areas where there is misunderstanding about the intent and effect of the Bill. My Department and I are available for further consultations with all those interested in the Bill, with a view to reaching a broad consensus on its content. On the basis of consultations held so far, I am confident that such a consensus can be reached.