I am informed by the Registrar of Titles that this application for the issue of a duplicate land certificate was lodged on 22 October, 2002. Application Number S2002SM01306J refers.
The Deputy will be aware that duplicate land certificate applications take time to process due to the fact that notices have to issue to a number of institutions, an advertisement needs to be placed in the Law Society Gazette and certain time limits have to elapse before the application can receive further consideration. I am informed by the Registrar of Titles that a query in relation to this application and also correspondence regarding the advertisement in relation to the lost land certificate was issued to the lodging solicitor on 18 March, 2003 for publication of the notice in the Law Society Gazette. I am also informed that notices in relation to this application were sent to relevant institutions who may be able to assist the Land Registry with this application on 18 March, 2003. I understand that no responses have been received to date.
Once the notice period expires and on receipt of a satisfactory reply to the query raised, the application will receive further consideration.