I assume that the Deputy refers to the county enterprise fund companies which were established in each of the six Border counties in 1988 with the support of the International Fund for Ireland. The companies were set up to provide soft loan finance to new and expanding small enterprises and are constituted as companies limited by guarantee with charitable status for tax purposes. Membership is drawn from a wide geographic area throughout each county with representation from the business community, the co-operative movement, community organisations and the public sector.
The county enterprise fund companies have the capacity to carry out a range of activities including involvement in small industry and community based economic projects. As community companies they are eligible for support from State agencies and other bodies such as the International Fund for Ireland, the EU INTERREG programme and the EU Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation.
I can confirm that, to date, the enterprise fund companies in Counties Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan and Sligo have sought and received assistance from the relevant county enterprise boards in their region.