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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 29 Jan 2004

Vol. 578 No. 6

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take No. 14a, Civil Registration Bill 2003 — Financial Resolution; No. 6, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage and Second Stage; and No. 7, European Parliament Elections (Amendment) Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage and Second Stage. It is proposed, notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders, that No. 14a shall be decided without debate.

There is one proposal to put to the House. Is the proposal for dealing with No. 14a without debate agreed?

The resolution refers to the Act. Is it procedurally in order to take the resolution, given that the Bill has passed Second Stage and has yet to be debated on Committee Stage? While the Bill is largely non-contentious, the Minister has indicated she is unwilling to accept some amendments and there is a likelihood that amendments that are unacceptable to the Government will be put to a vote. Is it procedurally in order to refer to the Bill as an Act and to take the resolution on today's Order of Business?

The resolution is in accordance with precedents in the House. It is in order.

What about the reference to an Act?

It is in accordance with practice in the House.

It is not an Act.

Is the Deputy agreeing to the proposal?

I have nothing against the resolution. However, it seems out of order for the Dáil to agree a resolution on an Act the House has not passed. I cannot see how that is in accordance with procedures.

Is the proposal for dealing with No. 14a without debate agreed? Agreed. I call Deputy Kenny on the Order of Business.

Does the Government propose to nominate somebody from this country for a vacancy which has arisen on the European Central Bank's executive board? Belgium indicated this morning that it intends to put forward a person for this position, and the job is expected to go to one of the four remaining eurozone countries which does not have a member——

It would be better if the Deputy found another way of raising this matter. It does not arise on the Order of Business.

Belgium has indicated its intention of putting somebody forward. I want to know whether Ireland will do the same, as is our right. We are one of the four eurozone countries without a presence.

That does not arise on the Order of Business.

The Minister has the answer.

Is the Government taking any steps to ensure that the 400 persons stranded because of the unfortunate demise of Jetmagic will be brought home?

That does not arise on the Order of Business.

On the Order of Business, the Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children — I am glad to see his boss here — has circulated thousands of letters containing four gems of wisdom. The first is that the European Union has grown significantly over the decades.

Does the Deputy have a question appropriate to the Order of Business?

This relates to Government business. The second is that the theme of our Presidency is "Europeans Working Together".

The Deputy is being disorderly. I call Deputy Rabbitte.

Let me finish my point.

I asked the Deputy whether he had a question appropriate to the Order of Business.

I want to make a point. The third is that the process of discussing and reaching agreement is known as the Intergovernmental Conference. The fourth statement was that he would have a very busy schedule over the next six months and that he was looking forward to the challenge ahead.

The Deputy is being disorderly. He is raising matters that are not appropriate to the Order of Business.

The Minister of State is sending information all over the country to the effect that he has a very busy schedule and that he is looking forward to the challenge ahead. Where is the absent Minister of State?

The Minister of State is probably out delivering the letters.

I ask Deputy Kenny to resume his seat and allow Deputy Rabbitte to speak.

We are lucky there is not a photograph of the family on the front page of it. It could be worse.

This is the third schedule of business we have had this week. It has been changed three times. The House is glad that the Immigration Bill has been withdrawn and that the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform did not proceed in the fashion he proposed, having regard to the fact that the original legislation was struck down. It is extraordinary and a very inauspicious start that in the first week we have had three different schedules of business put before the House.

Regarding the Finance Bill, when will it be published and have the Minister and his colleague planned any surprises for us this year? Are there any little tax breaks for anybody down in south-west Cork or Naas, or any swimming pools for pedigree mares or anything like that that we do not know about? Will he give us advance notice this year? We caught him out last year and we will have to do it again this year if he does not tell us in advance.

The Immigration Bill is being introduced in the Seanad tomorrow and will be introduced in the Dáil next Wednesday. That allows adequate time for Members to deal with any of the issues involved.

That is assuming the Seanad is finished with it.

We are assuming that.

It is a dangerous assumption.

With the co-operation of everybody that can be attained.

What happens if Terry sets fire to more candles?

The important thing is the aroma emanating from those candles — a west Roscommon aroma.

The Finance Bill will be published next Wednesday.

Yesterday the European Commission kow-towed to US interests by formally approving a variety of genetically modified maize. This decision must be discussed at the Council of Ministers. Will the Minister make time available in this House——

The Deputy must find another way of raising this matter. Has time been promised for a debate?

No. I am asking the Minister whether time can be made available.

Time has not been promised. The Deputy is only entitled to ask about promised debates.

The Minister wants to answer. Will the Chair allow the Minister to answer?

I cannot allow the Deputy to go outside Standing Orders.

We constantly talk about better informing the public on European issues.

There is ample opportunity within Standing Orders to submit a question to the Minister.

The Minister of State, Deputy Roche, is always saying that we have not discussed the issue of liability. It should be discussed on the floor of this House if the Minister will make time available. Will the Minister do that?

The issue does not arise on the Order of Business.

I wish to raise four matters. When will the dormant accounts Bill be brought before the House? The money could be very well used for disability groups and others.

The Deputy may not state what he might contribute on Second Stage. He should confine himself to the four matters appropriate to the Order of Business.

That is what the money is for. It has been announced.

The health complaints Bill seems to have been lost, like many of the health services. Will that Bill be brought before the house or is it completely dead? The other matters are relevant to the responsibilities of the Minister who is standing in for the Taoiseach today. Will there be a Bill to rationalise Bord Bia and An Bord Glas? Last, but by no means least, can we have a land Bill or some other Bill brought before the House to allow us to discuss the problems of agriculture and whether there is any future for it?

The dormant accounts Bill will be introduced in mid-2004. A Bill regarding Bord Bia and An Bord Glas was introduced in the Seanad yesterday. It was passed on Second Stage and will be discussed on Committee Stage next week. The health Bill will be introduced towards the end of the next session.

Yesterday in the High Court two obstetric cases were settled, one involving an award of €4 million and the other an award of €1.5 million. This highlights the cost of obstetric medical indemnity. From Sunday a new scheme is being introduced and this is a matter of dispute between the Government and hospital consultants.

Has the Deputy a question appropriate to the Order of Business?

I have. It is a very serious matter.

It is worthy of a question to the Minister.

There is a threat of disruption by hospital consultants. Is there an intention to provide for a supplementary health Estimate to ensure there is a proper deal in place, considering the lack of preparation that is the responsibility of the Department of Health and Children?

There are no plans for a Supplementary Estimate.

I would expect the Deputy's support in this matter.

I support the Minister, but this is a fine mess.

The particular focus I wanted to concentrate on has already been addressed to some degree. The Minister for Agriculture and Food, Deputy Walsh, in his response as regards the health Bill indicated the end of next term. That would bring us right up to the local elections. As the health Bill will address the current configuration, that is the health boards, does he anticipate that the legislation will be in place regarding the current situation where health boards are made up of representatives of local authorities? Could he please clarify?

The health (amendment) Bill, which deals with the matter raised by the Deputy, will be introduced this term.

I see two Bills here. The critical infrastructure, Dublin metro, Bill is something the Minister for Transport, Deputy Brennan, could get his teeth into. I would like to know the present whereabouts and the implications it will have for existing traffic management in Dublin, particularly in a couple of vital areas. There is also the greater Dublin area, GDA, land use and transport authority Bill, another one that should add to the general confusion on the streets.

The first one, as regards the Dublin metro, will be introduced in 2004, probably next term. It is not possible to say when the land use Bill will be introduced.

I ask about legislation on the B list, the national monuments Bill. Which Minister is introducing this? The purpose of the Bill is described as to consolidate and modernise five key pieces of national monuments legislation. A separate Minister dealt with the last national monuments legislation and since then the current Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Deputy Cullen, is in flagrant breach of it. Which Minister will introduce this legislation and will it retain or seek to demolish entirely any autonomy that was given to the responsible Minister for national monuments legislation?

The responsible Minister is the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and legislation will be introduced in May 2004.

Given the unfortunate reference to disability in the Immigration Bill 2004 that was published yesterday, would it not be in order for the disability Bill to be taken prior to that Bill to ensure that any reference to prescribed diseases or disability is taken out? I know there is a need to get rid of references to lunatics, idiots or those who are mentally deficient——

We cannot discuss matters that might be more appropriate for the Second Stage of the Bill.

——but it seems highly unfortunate that the Minister should seek to discriminate against those suffering from disability. Will the disability Bill be taken prior to the immigration Bill?

The question is on the legislation and when it will come before the House.

The legislation will be introduced this term.

As regards membership of the Council of Europe Development Bank Bill listed for publication this session, when will it actually appear? Will the Minister respond in respect of the European Central Bank's executive board vacancy? Will Ireland put forward a nominee as is our right?

The first part of the question is in order.

Yes, that will be published this term. On the second part of the question, that is under consideration.

Will the Minister confirm that the Government has agreed to hold a debate on the interim Flood report? Will he confirm that the format of that debate will allow for questions and answers and a motion at the end, rather than having it in a parliamentary vacuum, unattached to anything, on a Friday? When is it proposed to convene a meeting of the Dáil reform committee?

The first question is in order.

Is the second one not in order?

It would not be a matter for the Minister.

A debate will take place on the Flood report on Friday 13 February.

That is a great day.

Is it not a matter for the Whips?

That is a matter for the Whips.

I would like to correct the Minister. It is a matter for the House to determine the format of the debate. We are seeking to have a debate with questions and answers and a motion at the end of it.

It is being taken in Government time, is it not?

This matter will be raised at the next Whips' meeting and it should be possible to reach consensus on it.

Is it the Minister's intention to bring in legislation to give effect to EU regulations, which according to Deputy Ned O'Keeffe will prohibit the killing of a goose or a turkey on a farm?

I do not believe there is any legislation on that matter.

Are there such EU regulations that cover the killing of a goose or a turkey on a farm?

It is a secondary legislation matter. The answer may be deferred to another day.

The Minister is too long around——

: Can I ask the Minister——

I have two questions for the Minister for Health and Children. Given the inability of older people to gain access to long-term nursing homes, is it proposed that the health and social care professionals regulatory Bill, which will endeavour to ensure a quality service for the public, will enable some of the people who have to wait twelve and half years before they get into a nursing home——

The question is about the content of the Bill. Has the Deputy another matter?

Does the Minister intends to proceed with the health (amendment) Bill?

That question has already been answered in reply to Deputy Ó Caoláin this morning.

I was wondering if the Minister had secured agreement from his councillor colleagues throughout the country who are on the health boards.

That does not arise.

The health and social care professions regulatory Bill will be published this term.

Will it meet the councillors' requirements?
