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Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality debate -
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

I shall formally record the decisions of the committee with regard to scrutiny.

COM(2013)173 is a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement, Cooperation and Training, Europol, and repealing decisions 2009/371/JHA and 2005/681/JHA. It is proposed that the proposal warrants further scrutiny. Given that the committee may be referred the proposal for its consideration, prior to opt-in motions being considered by the Houses, it is proposed that (a) the committee will consider the proposal, if referred and thereafter decide if further scrutiny is required; (b) the committee will ask the Department of Justice and Equality and Department of Defence to provide additional briefing to the committee regarding how the proposal adds to or changes the functions of Europol, changes the functions currently carried out by the European Police College, CEPOL, that are being taken over by Europol, and implements elements of the Stockholm programme; (c) the views of the Data Protection Commissioner will be sought in relation to the data protection elements of the proposal; and (d) the Oireachtas representatives in Brussels will be asked to continue liaising with other parliamentary representatives and reflecting back the views of these parliaments in regard to the provisions in the proposal related to the implementation of Article 88 TFEU National Parliaments oversight of Europol. Is that agreed? Agreed.

The second item is the joint proposal for a Council Decision on the arrangements for the implementation by the Union of the solidarity clause. It is proposed that the proposal does not warrant further scrutiny. However, it is proposed that the committee will ask the Department of Justice and Equality, the Department of Defence and any other appropriate Department, if responsibility for this proposal changes, to provide an update with respect to the proposal, should any significant changes be made to it. Is that agreed? Agreed.

With regard to the Council Decisions 2013/157/EU and 2013/158/EU, fixing the date of application of decision 207/533/JHA on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information Systems, SIS II. These two decisions are technical, setting the date when SIS II became operational. Therefore, it is proposed to note these adopted measures. The decisions do not warrant scrutiny but the Department has indicated that the Irish SIS II project is suspended pending the resolution of budgetary issues. It is proposed that additional information will be sought from the Department on the SIS II system. How can Ireland benefit from participating in SIS II? What, if any, are the implications for UK-Ireland cross-border co-operation given that Ireland is not ready to take part in SIS II? How much will it cost to complete the project and allow Ireland to partake in SIS II? What is the proposed timetable for Ireland to take part in SIS II?

Is all of that agreed? Agreed.

The joint committee adjourned at 11.35 a.m. until 9.30 on Wednesday, 12 June 2013.