The Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme delivers free energy upgrades for eligible homeowners in low income households who are most at risk of energy poverty. It is administered by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). Since the start of the scheme in 2000, over 143,000 free upgrades have been supported by the scheme. In 2021, the average cost of the energy efficiency measures provided per household had increased to €17,100., reflecting the increased scope of works carried out. A budget allocation of €109 million has been provided for this scheme this year. This will support an increase in the number of free home upgrades, from an average of 177 per month in 2021 to 400 per month this year, helping to reduce waiting times and clear Covid impacted backlogs.
In changes recently agreed by Government, for the first time, applications can now be accepted from qualifying homeowners who previously received supports under the Scheme, but who could still benefit from even deeper measures. The Scheme eligibility criteria will also be extended to include those in receipt of the Disability Allowance for over 6 months and have a child under 7 years. The Scheme will also target the worst performing properties, by prioritising homes that were built and occupied before 1993 and have a pre-works BER of E, F or G. Existing applications will not be affected by this change.
The key eligibility criteria are outlined below:
1. Must own and live in your own home
2. Home must have been built and occupied before 2006
3. Must be receipt of one of the following welfare payments:
- Fuel Allowance as part of the National Fuel Scheme;
- Job Seekers Allowance for over six months and have a child under seven years of age;
- Working Family Payment;
- One-Parent Family Payment;
- Domiciliary Care Allowance;
- Carers Allowance and live with the person you are caring for, or
- Disability Allowance for over six months and have a child under seven years of age
Further details with respect to the Better Energy Warmer Homes scheme are available at