As Minister for Transport, I have responsibility for overall policy and exchequer funding in relation to the National Roads Programme. Under the Roads Acts 1993-2015, the setting of tolls is a statutory function of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). The maximum toll rate is set each year based on the rate of inflation.
In the twelve month period used to calculate maximum tolls for 2023, inflation was obviously a significant issue and that was at the heart of the toll increases announced for the M50 and the eight PPP schemes.
There is no formal consultative role for me as Minister in relation to tolls, which are a matter for TII. TII are in regular contact with my Department on a range of issues and officials became aware of the fact that tolls were being examined by TII in line with its statutory function.
In late 2022, I directed that Departmental officials engage with TII to develop options that might allow for the suspension of the planned toll increases.
Following this direction, TII commenced engagement with all eight PPP companies and the suspension of these increases was agreed upon for a six month period until the end of June 2023.